What You Will Want To Know About An American Bully


1.) An American Bully Has Four Classifications

  • Pocket
  • Standard
  • Classic
  • XL

Each category is a difference in height. It actually doesn’t have anything to do with weight. You will see some breeders out there that will say their dogs are XL because they weight 100+ pounds. That is incorrect, your dog should be over 20 inches if a male and over 19 inches for a female. So, be careful when you go to pick out your American Bully puppy from a breeder you make sure that you ask about height of the parents when you choose what classification you are wanting.

2.) American Bully Grooming

If you are wanting a low maintenance dog when it comes to grooming and shedding, an American Bully is a great choice. Grooming an American Bully is very simple to most other breed types. Their hair is short, so you do not have to worry about trying to brush out a matted dog. They also do not shed a whole lot, where as a husky blows their whole coat two to three times a year. Just give your American Bully a brushing once a week and trim their nails. You never want your dog to have long nails.

Oakley X Stony Litter
Oakley X Stony Litter

3.) Loyalty/Companion

These dogs are such great companions. They love to be by your side all the time and be there for you. Want to talk about loyalty? That is definitely this breed of dogs. Our dogs want to go everywhere we go when we leave the house. They know to stay by our sides when we go for a walk or out in public. So, if you’re looking for a dog for companion, you will not be disappointed in getting an American Bully.

4.) The American Bully Breed Is Not Cheap

When you go to search for an American Bully you will find out they are not cheap. At least not the ones that you will find that are well taken care of, free of health issues, etc. You can defiantly plan on budgeting around $2,000 and up. Here at Bullies of Greatness our puppies start at $3,000. Yes, we and other breeders may have a puppy that we can place in a home for a pet only pricing, but again that price is not cheap. You have to understand you get what you pay for. You find an American Bully online for $200 and it turns out that they dog has worms, health issues, etc. you cannot be upset with anyone. Just make sure to do your research on the parents of the puppy and the breeder.

5.) American Bully Lifespan

The lifespan of an American Bully is anywhere from eight to fifteen years. That of course means that dog needs to be in good health. You want to make sure the dog is fed correctly, stays hydrated, doesn’t live out in the elements, etc.

6.) Research Before You Purchase Your American Bully

We have many social media platforms that we advertise on and also post updates of puppies we have placed into homes. We have reviews and feedback on how our customers feel about their puppy and how they feel about us here at Bullies of Greatness. You do not want to buy a puppy from someone who doesn’t have reviews, pictures of the whole litter, pictures of the parents, etc. We get customers calling all the time about if we have a puppy for sale and if we don’t they don’t want to wait until we do have a litter. They go out and purchase a puppy from a breeder they think is good to purchase from and come to find out they aren’t. They are very unhappy with the puppy’s look and they don’t even know what the parents look like.

Rottins Stony


Bullies of Greatness
Bullies of Greatness

Research, Research, Research!!! It is a big purchase and really it is a forever purchase. We here at Bullies of Greatness do not want to see one of our puppies in a shelter. So, we make sure to ask all the correct questions about the customer and their lifestyle to make sure they are equip to take on a puppy. Also, when you purchase from us you also get a lifetime friendship with us. We are always here to answer questions and guidance.