The Perfect Treats For Your Puppy or Dog

When it comes to feeding your puppy or dog, you want to make sure that they are getting the best nutrition that we can offer them. I always recommend talking to your veterinarian and discussing nutrition with them or definitely do your research. Not all dog treats are good for your dog or puppy. You also do not want to overdo the treats as well. It can make them sick to their stomach or have diarrhea.

We have many treats here at Bullies of Greatness that we like to give our puppies or dogs to help with training techniques, as a reward, or a “just because” treat. Again, make sure to talk to your veterinarian or do your own research to make sure you are feeding your dog or puppy the proper nutrition for them. Here is a list of our go to treats that we like to give our animals.

1. Bull Sticks (Bulls Pizzle)

Our dogs love bull sticks. I was for warn you, they are expensive. So when we give them these as a treat, they don’t get one everyday. It is something they get one to two times a week. A bull stick is the penis of a bull. It is full of protein and it digest very well and break down in their stomachs fairly quickly. We like to buy the ones from Costco, which range around $39 a bag of about 12-14 12″ sticks. You can find them on Amazon or Make sure to look for the best value that also is nutritional (grass-fed, free range). Another awesome incentive of giving these to your puppy or dog, is that they help with tarter and plaque build up on their teeth. They will also entertain your dog for quiet some time too.

2. Raw, Frozen Beef Bones

Another yummy treat that we give our dogs and puppies are raw, frozen beef bones from our local butcher here in town. It is awesome for their teeth and helps prevent the plaque build up. Now, with this bone they aren’t going to be able to eat the whole thing and you won’t be able to save them for anther time (or at least you shouldn’t). They will go bad once they thaw out and could upset your puppy or dog’s stomach if you were to save it for later or another time. The great thing is these are super cheap. Our butcher sells a big 5 lb. bag for only $5.00. It is the perfect summer treat for your puppy or dog. It is their version of a Popsicle. I do recommend that they eat them outside or on a hardwood surface. There is still some raw meat on them and they are messy when they begin to thaw.

3. Frozen Fruit or Vegetables

freeze your fresh fruit for a treat

Our dog loves frozen fruit. Just like fruits and vegetables are healthy for us, they are healthy for them too. You want to reward your dog or puppy, give them a couple frozen blueberries or strawberries. Our dog Ori loves strawberries. She will sit at my feet and wait for me to drop one on the floor. I actually will clean the strawberries for my kids to eat and dice them up and save the tops for our dog. I put them in a baggy and stick them in the freezer. Then when she goes out to go to the bathroom, she gets one as a reward when she comes back in. Strawberries are full of fiber and vitamin C too, which is awesome! A couple fruits I know off the top of my head that you shouldn’t give your animal are cherries and grapes/raisins. They have some toxins in them that aren’t good for your dog. A couple vegetables to avoid are: mushrooms, onions, or asparagus. Again, make sure to do your research!

4. Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats

Did you know you can make dog treats at home with just a few simple ingredients. You can buy special molds to if you want certain shapes. All you need is: 1 cup of Pumpkin puree or 1-2 bananas smashed up, 1/2 cup of peanut butter, oatmeal or 3 cups of flour, and 2 eggs. You literally just mix it all together and roll the dough out to the thickness of your liking. Use your mold or cookie cutter to cut them out and place them on a baking sheet. Bake at 350 for about 15-20 mins or until golden brown. Store them in a sealed container. I usually freeze most of them and then leave a few out in a container because they are only good for so many days.